Friday, October 6, 2017

Suffering Saint, You Are Not Alone

Prayers are going out for the body of Christ who is hurting more than ever. The birth pains have increased since we are nearing the soon return of Christ. Some of the finest Christians who walk in deep holiness and commitment to God are suffering the most. They are dealing with things more than any affliction they ever experienced in their life. I'm talking deep blows, the kind most never come back from, yet they live. Yes we are suffering for a season, but we are not alone. God is with us, Jesus swore to never leave us and His Spirit and angels are ministering to us. Soon we will be in Glory with Him where all our tears will be wiped away and we will never know pain again, only joy. He who endures to the end receives the crown. We pray our pain be durable till removed, we pray for strength, His strength, we pray for His peace and comfort. Heaven is in sight, there is only a few more steps to go, we can make it by His grace! Luv you, Leah

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