Monday, January 15, 2018

‘Frost Boy’ in China Warms Up the Internet, and Stirs Poverty Debate

‘Frost Boy’ in China Warms Up the Internet, and Stirs Poverty Debate: A widely shared photograph of an 8-year-old who had icicles in his hair after a 2.8-mile trek to school has become a symbol of the plight of poor rural children.

God help the left behind children of China, please let people take pity and provide hats, scarfs, gloves and warmer coats. I pray programs are set up for home schools. There should also be a education class taught to the children's caregivers on how to keep their children warm, no child should go into frigid temps without a hat on. This is something you sacrifice for to give your child, a hat, so many think a coat is enough. 80's of heat escapes through the head.

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