Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Breaking News 2nd of 4 Blood Moons October 8 2014

Here the 2nd blood moon will appear the morning of the 8th in the prophetic 4 blood moon tetra all happening on Israeli holidays. The few times the 4 blood moons happened on Jewish holy days Israel always had a tragedy happen along with a deliverance in the end. Since the 1st blood moon, Israeli had a 7 week war, plus the world in general has been shook with the onslaught of such horrific things as ISIS with sever persecution and murders of the Christians in that area. The outbreak of Ebola going strong with no stopped or regulated flights except by a few wise countries. The one world religious meeting taken place with the pope and Perez, etc. We are living in the end of days with Bible Prophecy happening day and night meaning the return of Christ is soon! Are you prepared to meet Him? 

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